The Brand New Tentmaker's Toolbox

Get Ready! Coming to your inbox this Tuesday! 🎉

Happy Saturday Ya’ll.

We're buzzing with excitement here at Digital Tentmakers and couldn't wait to share the big news.

We've been brewing something new for you - our very own Weekly Newsletter!

Picture this: Each week, we'll deliver a thoughtful compilation of insights, advice, resources, all centered around digital tentmaking.

Whether you're a church leader, a pastor, a modern ‘tentmaker', or simply a fellow traveler on the faith journey interested in the laptop lifestyle, this newsletter is your weekly guide.

But first… I need a quick favor.

We really want this newsletter to be something you look forward to, something that makes your day a bit better, your journey a bit smoother.

So, can you tell us what you'd like to see in it? Got any burning questions, roadblocks, or topics you'd want us to cover?

Remember, this isn't just our newsletter, it's yours too. Your voice matters, so let's hear it.

Just hit 'reply' to this email and let us know. We're all ears!

Alright, make sure to keep your eyes peeled this coming Tuesday. Why? Because that's when our first newsletter issue drops. 🙌

I’m pretty stoked to hop on this ride with you, hand-in-hand, learning, and growing together.

Alright, my fellow rockstars, keep being awesome and keep an eye out for Tuesday's newsletter extravaganza. It's going to be epic, I promise. Until then, stay fabulous!

Rock on,

Jeremy Murphy
Digital Tentmakers

P.S. Hit that reply button and let us know what you’d like to see covered in the newsletter.